How do we call Apigee can use Feign interface?

Please explain the the procedure and how do make a call apigee can feign interface. Thanks and Advance

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not clear. Are you talking about this Feign ? What is it that you want to do? Please elaborate. Provide more than 8 words. We'll try to help if we can. Let's not make it a guessing game, or a game of 20 questions. Just tell us everything you can. More information is better.

Yes Dino, I Am taking about Feign. Using Feign how do we call Apigee?@Dino

This seems to be more a question about Feign than about Apigee. Apigee provides the APIs, where Feign calls APIs. Let's look at the example on the Feign website:

interface GitHub {
  @RequestLine("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors")
  List<Contributor> contributors(@Param("owner") String owner, @Param("repo") String repo);

This expresses the verb (GET) and the path (/repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors) which define the endpoint, and the response types expected. You would simply adapt this to your API interface, whatever that is.

Later, you need to define the actual host:

public static void main(String... args) {
  GitHub github = Feign.builder()
                       .decoder(new GsonDecoder())
                       .target(GitHub.class, "");

This describes the host, and the mechanism for decoding the response type.

Obviously you would need to change the host to your host, say "", and make sure you have defined a deserializable object.

There should be nothing special about using Apigee with Feign as there would be with using any other API calling framework.

Good luck!