How to Edit Company Apps in Developer Portal

I am pulling both normal developer apps and company apps to a user's "developer apps" page. The company apps selected for display is based on:

  1. The user "belongs" to that company
  2. The user's email is listed as a value of a custom attribute on the company app.

Now, when the user clicks to edit a company app, the requested page returns a 403 (forbidden) error. The edit page url is of the form:<app uuid>/edit-app

How can I provide edit access to company apps?

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Dear @williamking ,

App edit access is given to only App Developer (App Created User) . Is logged in user same as App Developer ? Logged in user cannot edit other users developer apps in company apps listing.

Please find the piece of code that does this control in devconnecte_developer_apps.module

function devconnect_developer_apps_access($account, $permission, $app_id = NULL) {
  if (user_access('administer developer apps')) {
    return TRUE;
  if (user_is_logged_in() && $account->uid == $GLOBALS['user']->uid && user_access("$permission developer apps", $account)) {
    if ($permission == 'view' || $permission == 'create') {
      return TRUE;
    else {
      $app = entity_load_single('developer_app', $app_id);
      if ($app->developer == $account->mail) {
        return TRUE;
      return FALSE;
  return FALSE;

And also, Make sure "Edit Developer Apps" is given the role that user is trying to edit in "admin/people/permissions"



Anil Sagar

@Anil Sagar :

I believe all of that information is specific to developer apps. When you create a company app, there is no "developer" associated with it. There are developers added to a company, but not to the specific app (as best I can tell at least).

One consequence is that the developer value of $app does not exist, and so the following check will always return false for a company app:

if ($app->developer == $account->mail) {
    return TRUE;
return FALSE;

@williamking , You are right. I have tested using Administrator user where Administer Developer Apps permission was given so that i can edit. I have tested as normal user and it gives access denied error message.

It's a bug in developer portal. I will raise with team and get it fixed in future release of developer portal. Till then either you can use Administer Developer Apps permission or override access by implementing a custom module to fix the issue in core.

@williamking , Let me know if you need any help with custom module for developer portal to fix above issue.

Thanks! I am already working within a custom module created by @Gitesh Koli, and I think I've got it mostly figured out.

Aweseome 🙂

Hi williamking,it would be helpful if you provide that custom module

@Anil Sagar this is not a bug in the dev portal. This is a feature that needs to be customised by adding a custom module to dev portal.

@Anil Sagar Or @Divya Achan OR Team,

Is this edit app feature available for company apps in latest versions?

is this still not supported or added this in latest versions?