How to add new ProxyGateway path to Edge MicroGateway

I have tried to install Edge Microgateway follow this get start guide. default path '/hello' abd /hello/echo' is working. but added proxy target is not working.

I woudl kike to know how to add new ProxyEndpoints path to Edge Microgateway poc process

1. local install is succeesd

$ curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraW.......' http://localhost:8000/hello
Hello, Guest! 

2. add following ProxyEndpoints to edgemicro_hello and deploy prod and test

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ProxyEndpoint name="test">
    <PreFlow name="PreFlow">
    <PostFlow name="PostFlow">
    <RouteRule name="default">

3. reload local Edge Microgateway

$ edgemicro reload -o $ORG -eval -e prod -k $KEY -s $SECRET 

2019-11-20T05:59:23.812Z [14876] [microgateway edgemicro] current nodejs version is v12.13.0
2019-11-20T05:59:23.814Z [14876] [microgateway edgemicro] current edgemicro version is 3.0.10
2019-11-20T05:59:24.834Z [14876] [microgateway-config network] config download from returned
2019-11-20T05:59:25.353Z [14876] [microgateway-config network] jwt_public_key download from returned
2019-11-20T05:59:25.469Z [14876] [microgateway-config network] products download from returned
2019-11-20T05:59:25.527Z [14876] [microgateway gateway] Reload Completed Successfully

4. check new added path. but not working...

$ curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraW.......' http://localhost:8000/test 
{"message":"no match found for /test","status":404}

# there is not path expression in cache yaml $ grep '/test' -r ~/.edgemicro/ $ echo $? 1
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