​How to allow resource path if there are query params in the request?

So I have this very long [GET] request which is the ff. below


When accessing this via


I'm getting a response that its missing the proper query params. But when I add a query param alright, apigee throws an error of


I already have the following resource paths in my Product..


None of those resource paths worked.

/test-account-service/authorize BTW is my basepath.

And I also have /test-account-service/user/authorize. Which I won't allow access to for that product.

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Is your App Authorized for your API Product? There are details of this error in the last row of https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/reference/policies/verify-api-key-policy#runtime-errors

Yes,it's authorized alright. As could be seen when I remove the query params in the request. But whenever I add the query params , the InvalidApiKeyForGivenResource is being thrown. What's the proper pattern for me to be able to use the test-account-service/authorize basepath ?. Do wildcards even work here?