How to change core functionality of dev portal's custom module - devconnect_developer_apps.module

I want to change the Analytics tabs on user/me/apps page.

In order to show/hide additional tabs under Analytics, I went in to ../profiles\apigee\modules\custom\devconnect\devconnect_developer_apps path and modified devconnect_developer_apps.module file.

The exact function that I modified is _devconnect_developer_apps_detail.

Everything works as expected, for instance in order to hide keys tab, I commented out the following:

// $tabs = array( // array('text' => t('Keys'), 'path' => '#keys'), // );

Now, my question is how can I copy this change to ../sites/all/themes/mytheme? Because when Apigee rolls out any updated/changes, my changes in devconnect_developer_apps.module file will be lost.

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You should follow the instructions here, and create a sub-theme.

This allows you to override things from the theme, with no danger of those over-ridden things being over-WRITTEN when Apigee updates the original theme.

Good luck!

Hi Dino,

I got the code base from a third party, and hence everything was pre configured. I know how to override templates, for instance I have copied devconnect_developer_apps_list.tpl.php from profiles\apigee\modules\custom\devconnect\devconnect_developer_apps\templates to sites\all\themes\custom\templates\devconnect and it works.

in order to make the changes in custom modules work, Can i just copy \profiles\apigee\modules\custom\devconnect folder in to sites\all\modules, make changes and install it as a custom module on our portal? dosen't gives me any indication as to how I can change the core module itself.

yes, if you copy a module to sites/all/modules, and then modify it, it will take precedence over other modules. This is just standard Drupal stuff. You can read about that here.

But if you take the copy-and-modify approach, then you own the responsibility of updating the module if Apigee delivers updates.

Would it be possible for me to change the function itself in all\themes\custom\template.php via some hook_...alter?

The exact function that I want to modify is _devconnect_developer_apps_detail under ../profiles\apigee\modules\custom\devconnect\devconnect_developer_apps\devconnect_developer_apps.module

Yes, as you can see, that function calls drupal_alter with the name "devconnect_developer_app".

To provide a hook for that alter, you need to provide a module. In that module, provide a function with a name that is the joining of 3 parts, separated by underscore:

  • short name of your module
  • "devconnect_developer_app"
  • "alter"

Suppose you want to write a module called ofs_dc_mod . In that case your module must provide a function called ofs_dc_mod_devconnect_developer_app_alter .

It should be something like this:

function ofs_dc_mod_devconnect_developer_app_alter(&$info){
  // change info here. add new properties, or modify existing ones.
  $info['dino_was_here'] = 'This can be anything';

Thanks a lot Dino.

That helped me a lot.

A question though, I am getting all the app and developer attributes by using dpm($info);, however, I cannot see any UI tabs related info like $panes and $tabs.

If I want to hide Keys tab as defined in the code below:

$tabs = array( array('text' => t('Keys'), 'path' => '#keys'), );

how would i be able to do that from the function and $info variable?