How to download filter or restricted list of proxies into MicroGateway

I have multiple micro gateway installed in VM as (standalone ).

In my project as a developer want each microgateway(EM) to download only subset of microgateway aware proxies available in Apigee Edge.

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By Deafult Edgemicrogateway(EM) loads all API proxies in an environment that begin with the name "edgemicro_".

If the requirment is to provide the ability to load some/few proxies. I propose introducing a new configuration in the config.yaml file


  • name: edgemicro_httpbin
    revision: '1'
  • name: edgemicro_twoway
    revision: '1'

At start up, EM should download the configuration (basePath, target endpoint etc.) only for the proxies listed here.

If the proxies configuration is not present in the config.yaml file, the current behaviour should continue.

  • Proposal1:(Can also use this but needs restart every time when new proxy is added to this list and manual update of Config.YAML file)

name: edgemicro_httpbin revision: 1
name: edgemicro_twoway revision: 1
  • Proposal2:
    group one or more of the edgemicro into an environment, so micro is always tied to an environment and deploys only proxies deployed to an environment
    Pros - this feels logical, also starts as a way for us to manage and discover micro instances - no additional configuration
    Cons - may need some edge changes to accomodate env's with micro, will this become unmanageable?
  • Proposal3 : (Most Recommended Way)(Need restart ,but Config.YAML file update not needed when new proxy is added to the API Product1 resource/proxy bundle)
    tag an edgemicro to an product, so it proxies only the apis in the product.
    Pros: provides more granularity than env, now there is clear way for SDLC [env] and provisioning
    Cons: will miss discovery? [do we care?], each new config will have a specific Product?

apiproducts: name: product1

Filtering proxies

You can filter which microgateway-aware proxies an Edge Microgateway instance will process. When Edge Microgateway starts, it downloads all of the microgateway-aware proxies in the organization it's associated with. Use the following configuration to limit which proxies the microgateway will process. For example, this configuration limits the proxies the microgateway will process to three:


- edgemicro_proxy-1

- edgemicro_proxy-2

- edgemicro_proxy-3