How to expose source caller path?

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Is there a way to extract or view the consumer's path?

For example there are multiple java services with path /basePath/java1/service1






And I have multiple API proxies



I need to limit who can access each of the proxy based on the caller

As API-Proxy-1 could only be accessed by /basePath/java1 and /basePath/java2 but /basePath/java3 would trigger an error

And API-Proxy-2 could only be accessed by /basePath/java2 and /basePath/java3 but /basePath/java1 would trigger an error

So exposing the source/caller's path would help in limiting the access per API proxy

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@Daphne Michael -

You can extract the client's/caller's requested path with proxy.pathsuffix variable.

you can have a condition in your pre-flow as below and then do some logic if the condition matches or use it to restrict access.

<Condition>proxy.pathsuffix MatchesPath "/basePath/java3"</Condition>

Refer to this Apigee documentation for all the variables available:

For limiting a client/caller's access to a particular APIs or sub-resources within can be achieved by creating API Product specifics to your client's.

Refer to this Apigee documentation for API Product creation:

Not applicable

Hi @Mudit Kumar

Thank you but I need the caller's path, not the API being called.

When java is calling the API, I want to view the java path. Is there a way to expose the source?