How to specify the timeout for the UI against API calls for an on-premise deployment?

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The following properties are used to specify the timeout for the UI against API calls.

Location: <inst>/apigee4/conf/ui/apigee.conf

  • apigee.feature.apiTimeout is setting the time the UI waits for a call on the backend, regardless of any activity on it. If the call is not completed in that time, it will throw a timeout error.
  • ws.timeout.idle sets how longer will Play wait for activity in the server. It can be set to an equivalent value to apiTimeout or minor. Setting it to a larger value will have no effect. Default is 120 seconds
  • ws.timeout.connection sets how longer will Play wait for a connection to be established. It can be set to an equivalent value to apiTimeout or minor. Setting it to a larger value will have no effect. Default is 120 seconds

This feature is available for Private Cloud onwards. It is hardcoded to 180secs in older versions.