How to start setup Drupal Developer Portal export or download on local environment ?

I have Drupal Developer Portal access (someone provided me credential to work on portal) as i am able to manage few things from menus in drupal portal. Now i want to access source code on my local environment how could i can do this ?

As per docs i came to know there are two cloud support Pantheon and Acquia, now i have confusion do i need to register myself either on pantheon or Acquia portal.

For test i registered myself on pantheon and i see option of migrate site, i proceed with that while migrating i see some url's using Drush or Terminus. Not able to understand what is that for. In end i got 404 not found.

Does client registered himself on one of drupal portal (Pantheon or acquia) at time of purchase or configuration first time or registration time ?

if yes it means i need to ask him for pantheon or Acquia credential.

Because i think if anyone can signup and migrate anyone's developer portal on his account its not possible.

And one more thing what is the requirement to run drupal developer portal on local. but firstly i need to know how i can access code of developer portal to local.


Nikhil Purohit

0 2 517

@Nikhil Purohit

Here is what you can do. There are 3 important components in Drupal based Dev portal setup.

1. Code

2. Files

3. Database

All these 3 can be combined to setup you local environment on a LNPP stack ( Linux, Nginx, Postgres and PHP) or alternatively it can also be setup on LAMP( Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP). In recent versions, Apigee prefers and recommends Nginx based portal over Apache one.

Firstly you'd need access, so you could clone code, DB and files. This can be provided by administrator. If your install in on cloud, your administrator would have access to this and you can be added to the team of people.

Based on your version of Developer portal, you can setup your local instance quickly using WAMP or MAMP on your local machine. Else you may choose to use a prepackaged solution like Acquia Dev Desktop ( ).

For getting your code, you can use source code URL and clone the code to your local. You have to add your SSH key to pantheon or Acquia environment (or if your install is on prem, you may have your internal source control repo where you can clone code from)

Your files can be downloaded from /mnt/ directory in Acquia, or from Dashboard in Pantheon. (If on-prem install, files are located at /sites/default/files/ )

You can also download latest DB from Acquia or Pantheon ( on prem install, you can get db backup from your instance )

Good luck with your setup!