Is ingress loadbalancer required


We already have a network load balancer created for our EKS cluster following our project norms and is linked to DNS. During our apigee hybrid runtime installation while exposing ingress it also creates another loadbalancer (we use custom service.yaml for our nonprod as customized ports are required). Also we are going to deploy several orgs in same cluster. So we don't need loadbalancer created for each org. Is there a way to stop ingress from creating loadbalancer . Instead we need to use our own loadbalancer. 

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In Hybrid 1.9, we are introducing a new field called "svcType", if you set it to "ClusterIP" then the default ingress service won't create load balancers. You can use your own load balancer for the Ingress Deployments.

If you are using 1.8.0, then you can choose to ignore the default load balancer that gets created and use your own load balancer. May I ask which platform you are running the hybrid and which version ?

I use AWS. We use hybrid 1.8 version.