Is it possible to integrate ISAM (IBM Security Access Manager) with Apigee Edge for users?

I understand, Edge on-premises support delegated authentication via LDAP. However, this scenario is different as ISAM will authenticate the user, act as reverse proxy at the front of Edge UI.


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Removed my earlier answer about API traffic security. This is entirely about Edge users.

Sure! It's possible to insert a reverse proxy in front of Apigee Edge routers.

Is that the question?

@Dino ,

Please find more details below, Question was originally raised in offline discussion with @Rajesh Doda & posted here.

This question is in the context of Edge users (developers, admin, business analyst, etc) who login via Enterprise UI. Requirement is to have SSO via ISAM and disable the login page of Enterprise UI.

Hi Dino, is there any reference architecture for ISAM with Apigee ? Or customer references ? .. Thanks

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