Is there a limit or scalability concerns to the number of apps that are tied to a developer?

Not applicable

If there was a single developer with 1,000+ apps/keys, will we start running into any issues? We use the Verify API Key policy to authenticate requests and while we've seen no issues with tens of thousands of apps/keys from unique developers, I'm wondering if there are any concerns with thousands of keys tied to a single developer.

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No, you should not expect to see any performance concerns with those numbers.

It should perform just fine.

You should be able to test this pretty easily - by mechanically generating thousands of keys, and then spinning up some test clients that use all those keys. if you do decide to perform a load-test like this, it would be good of you to notify Apigee Support of your intention, just so they know what to expect.

(a sudden unexpected ramp up in load will cause alerts to fire in the support center)