Is there an rss feed for articles posted to the community?

Is there a way of subscribing to an rss feed of all the new articles posted to the community?

You can subscribe to new questions using but I could not see a way of subscribing to an rss feed of new articles

2 8 425

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Good point. Not to hijack your post here, but I wonder if there's a Twitter handle for the community as well.

I am trying the Twitter feed now but haven't got it to work yet.

Not applicable

I'm looking into whether an RSS feed can be created.

What exactly would be 'articles posted to the community'?

To the blog, there is a RSS feed (

When I try to access Resources -> Community Articles from the top menu, I am taken to a 'Access Denied' page

@psubrahmanyam this is the page I would like to subscribe to as an rss feed

Hmmm... that very page gives me an 'Access Denied' error. I need to get that sorted out first. 😞

Not applicable

I've looked into this and it would require some custom work on our theme. Depending on feedback, we'll schedule accordingly.

+1 for RSS feed...