Json formatting to remove \n and \ before and after json attribute in apigee proxy response

This is small snippet :

"content": "[\n {\n \"gmb_code\": INDINDIND\",\n \"reputation_name\": \"Some Hospitalname\"]"

But I need it to be without \ and \n  like below


 "gmb_code" : "INDINDIND",

"reputation_name": "Some Hospitalname"

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Suppose you have a context variable called "my-response-message" of type Message. A Message is a complex type of variable in Apigee. It represents an entire HTTP message, including headers, payload, and... if it is a request, a verb and url, and maybe query params.  If it is a response, the message will hold a status code string.  Suppose further that the content of that message is:

"content": "[\n {\n \"gmb_code\": INDINDIND\",\n \"reputation_name\": \"Some Hospitalname\"]"

That is proper JSON.  We can say it is a JSON object with a single property, named "content" and the value of that property is a string. The string itself appears to be an escaped form of... almost JSON.  Maybe it is supposed to be JSON and there was a cut/paste error. Let me assume that to be the case.

If you wanted to manipulate or read the inner thing in a JS callout, then you would do this: 

// parse the payload into a JS object:
var c = JSON.parse(context.getVariable('my-response-message.content'));
// get one field in that object
var innerJSON = c.content;
// parse THAT as JSON
var object = JSON.parse(innerJSON); 
// at this point:
// object[0].gmb_code = "INDINDIND" 


Javascript formatting I'm able to do, but problem I understood now is because of AssignMessage policy.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Assign-Message-ADSI">
<DisplayName>Assign Message-ADSI</DisplayName>
<AssignTo type="response" createNew="false"/>
<Payload contentType="application/json">{storage.file.retrieved}</Payload>


We need to extract content from here. Please suggest if possible.

We need to extract content from here.

I don't know what you mean, sorry. From here?  I am unclear as to the problem you're trying to solve.