Machine name already exists validation error on App creation(even App name does not exist) on developer portal?

Not applicable

When I am trying to create an Application under My apps section at developer portal. I am getting validation error that "Machine name" already exists please select different name even there is no app machine name exists as same.

As shown in below, I am trying to create an App called "application1", getting validation error that machine name already but there is no machine name "application1" exists at my org.


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You can edit the machine name by clicking on edit while creation of app. Check following screenshot.

Machine name is a drupal concept and has to be unique


Yeah but I am getting that validation error for any name even the app machine name does not exists at Edge

@Harish Bompally

We are also facing the same issue. Did you get any fix for this issue from Google?

@Harish Bompally , What does log messages say ?

Hi @Anil Sagar,

I don't see any error messages on reports logs and apache error logs also.

And I had deleted all the testing apps which I created on developer portal, Do I need to clear any cache table or any custom table?

New Member

This is an issue I reported and filed a support ticket for, engineering knows about it and is working on a fix. (I hope)

The bug is actually only being able to create one app per company. After that, it will give the validation error that @Harish Bompally describes above.

@Ryan Peters

We are also facing the same issue. Did you get any fix for this issue from Google?

Not applicable

@Ryan Peters is correct. This known issue has a fix which we will begin testing soon, and will be available in the next release.

If you do NOT have the Apigee Company module enabled, and are still seeing this issue, please let me know.

@Daniel Johnson Before few days I was able to add many apps under single company and I am getting this issue from last Friday only.
