Max no of environments in an Org

Is there any max environment count restrictions in an organization?

What gets impacted having more number of environments(approx 15) in an organization?


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For OPDK there is no maximum number as far as I know. We expect to introduce limits, and to enforce them, in the future. For Apigee Edge SaaS, you must buy entitlements to environments. Normally people have 3-5 per organization.

Why not 15? or 20?

Each environment involves memory overhead. You stress the MPs if they are attached to multiple environments. As for specifics, I Can't say. It depends on many variables - the number of API Proxies deployed, the traffic, the environment-specific things you have configured like KVM, resources, caches or TrustStores, and many other things.

But Ask yourself - why are you doing this? Why so many environments?

You may benefit from a conversation with an Apigee architect.