Merge Apps & Teams from NonProd Org to Prod Developer Portal?

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When we were building Apigee architecture, google suggested to have 2 orgs(non-prod & prod) so we did but now we want to have only one developer portal that has all the API Specs and Non prod and prod Apps and Teams. I am trying to figure out a way to merge 2 portals or atleast have API Specs and Apps and Teams from Non Prod portal to be displayed in Prod portal.

Maintaining two portals is vert tedious. Is there any other solution that someone could suggest?

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Each org is like a separate tenant, so there isn't an easy way to reconcile the portal across orgs today, though it's something we're looking at.

May I ask if the pre-production APIs are only meant to be accessed by internal folks? Or to say it another way, external developers would always see production-grade APIs? (If you have an internal-only API program, obv that would be the case!)

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So you guys have something in pipeline for this. When is the plan to roll it out? Is there any tentative date for that?

We are still not sure how we want to use 'pre-prod' APIs. Usually the 'dev' and 'test' apis are used by developers who are testing their services. So whats happening right now is the developers need to login to different portals to manage their apps and teams. I am worried we might run into some issues where developers might miss to add someone in their teams or get confused with two portals. Is ok as of now as we don't have many apis but in a year we might have more and it will start becoming difficult to manage then.

Is there any other way that we can just integrate the Apps and Teams from non-prod to prod portal as of now?

It's something we're looking at enabling: better support for pre-production access for internal usecases around the SDLC of APIs. It isn't committed to any date yet, but it is good to hear that you have need of it, thanks. In the interim, I think maintaining separate prod and non-prod portals is likely your best approach.