Microgateway Logs - stats line format

These are 'stats' lines from the MIcroGateway logs. I havent found documentation on the apigee site on how to interpret these line. I did find documentation for other line types found in the logs.

Any ideas ?

Thanks - Mehedi

1559281161129 stats treqErrors=213, tresErrors=0, statusCodes={1=0, 2=68, 3=3, 4=164, 5=0}, requests=158, responses=91, connections=undefined, rss=66129920, cpu=[236271200, 351739600, 310372200, 300666900]

1559281161173 stats treqErrors=595, tresErrors=0, statusCodes={1=0, 2=72, 3=4, 4=538, 5=0}, requests=153, responses=97, connections=undefined, rss=53997568, cpu=[236271200, 351739600, 310372200, 300666900]

1559281161222 stats treqErrors=10305, tresErrors=0, statusCodes={1=0, 2=71, 3=1, 4=10263, 5=0}, requests=162, responses=97, connections=undefined, rss=60014592, cpu=[236271200, 351739600, 310372200, 300666900]

0 1 147

Some general points:

  • There is one edgemicro process per CPU core (e.g. 4 in your example).
  • These are logged every 60 seconds by each process, except for when there is no traffic in a 60s period. This explains why you see the stats log at pretty much the same second.
  • They are incremental, until the process is restarted.


Total number of transaction requests which have failed.


This is never set.


Number of 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx status codes returned from target servers.


Number of requests that have been processed successfully and sent to the target server.


Number of responses received from target servers.


This is bugged. It’s always undefined.


rss stands for Resident Set Size, it is the total memory allocated for the process execution, in bytes.


The number of milliseconds each CPU has spent in user mode. (in the example, the CPU has 4 cores). This is not actually very useful by itself.