Migrate users from Drupal to integrated portal

Is it possible to migrate existing Drupal users to a new integrated portal? I'd prefer folks to be able to just sign in to the new portal with their existing credentials. If the answer is no, can the new integrated portal credentials be associated with the existing applications?

If no migration is possible, I assume that the applications created via the Drupal portal can continue to make API calls. However, developers won't be able to manage their applications (I can make edits if needed via Edge UI). Developers will need to create new accounts and applications, if they'd like to make edits themselves.

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Migration of users from Drupal portal to Integrated portal is a manual step at the moment. Ran a test and following were my observations:

1. Logged in Drupal Devportal as a developer and confirmed the apps that i had access to.

2. Signed up with the same "email" on Integrated Portal.

3. Verified my account by visiting the activation link received via email.

4. Logged in to Integrated Portal with new credentials and verified that i had access to the apps previously created on Drupal portals.

I've also verified that this works for the built-in identity provider. Is this also true when using SAML?