Multiple dimensions in analytic api call

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I have a custom report with 5 drilled down dimensions. I want these 5 dimensions to be fetched using the analytic api call. For example, A, B, C, D, E are drilled dimensions (A->B->C->D->E). I want data to be combination of A,B,C,D,E So I can write data to a file.

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assuming you have the analytics API call for single dimension, the drill down goes like this

../{dimension2}?filter=({dimension1} eq {val1})
../{dimension3}?filter=({dimension1} eq {val1} and {dimension2} eq {val2})

so, check this out for more information on filters

TIP: if you have trouble setting all params for the Analytics API, load the reports in UI and look in the JS Console [of your browser] for the API calls made by the UI, you could use the similar format