No oAuth proxy bundle in free trial of edge

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I had signed in recently at for free trial. I started the trial and was learning edge. While doing oAuth exercise I found that there is no oAuth proxy bundle which in documentation says that it will be available for free trial. Just want to know how i can get the oauth bundle.



1 12 4,614

The proxies that are typically provisioned in an organization are available here.

the zip for the oauth bundle is here.

the zip for the hellworld bundle is here.

You should be able to click "+ API Proxy" and then specify those zips as "proxy bundles" to get them imported into your organization.

Sorry about the trouble.

I tried downloading and creating Oauth proxy from the zip. But it is saying invalid bundle, unable to ready/find api proxy content. I have downloaded oauth zip to my local folder in windows 7 32bit laptop. I can open the zip and see the content. All XML files are readable.

@Arun Edakunni Variyath , I can see same issue with bundle, let me investigate and come back to you.

Whoops! Sorry again! Those zips need to hold a particular directory hierarchy, and they don't. Anil is getting those fixed.

New Member

Those two proxies should get added as part of the org provisioning when you signup. I think there's some issue with the provisioning process which is causing these proxies to not get provisioned by default. Will look into it and raise a bug.

Thanks I was not able to upload the proxy bundle (zip) also. it is giving error

Dear @Arun Edakunni Variyath ,

Welcome to Apigee Community 🙂 See the details below that works for me.

Seems like Apigee Edge UI "Bundle Upload" option expects bundled folder name as "apiproxy", see attached bundle which worked for me. Keep us posted. We will fix the zip file issue in github & probably in Edge UI moving forward.


If you are maintaining github repo, I just submitted a PR with fix.

Thanks. It worked. Oauth Proxy is created successfully though it threw the same error it uploaded and created the proxy successfully. Now i will continue with my exercise

@Arun Edakunni Variyath , Keep us posted moving forward if you have any queries. I saw same error when i uploaded first time above proxy file, when i deleted same proxy & uploaded again it didn't gave any error. We will investigate same. Glad, you are ready to continue with your exercise.

@Anil Sagar -- Thank you. I merged your pull request in the samples repo and the proxy zip file is correct now.

Awesome, Thank you for the update @wwitman