Not able to access any proxy

Not applicable


I am not able to access any of my deployed proxy endpoints.

I haven't been working on it for a few weeks. Today when I am trying to access, I am not able to access any of the deployed proxies in my account. This is my regular account on I can see they are deployed, but when I copy the URL and fire it, it comes back with the following error message:

Could not connect to Make sure the URL is correct.

Please help. These end points were working earlier. I tried accessing the end points through the Trace/debugger tool, through postman and through chrome browser.

Did something happen behind the scenes that has disabled my account?

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Dear @Ritwik Chatterjee,

Can you please share the org name ? We will look into the issue and get back to you.



@Ritwik Chatterjee , Sorry for the inconvenience, We do see issues with DNS related to trial orgs. We are investingating same. You can subscribe to the updates here. In the meantime please share your org name using visibility settings in comments. Click on arrow below submit to see settings.


org name: ritwik-dell


@Anil Sagar, @AMAR DEVEGOWDA, have shared my org name using "Apigeek" visibility settings. Kindly confirm you have received it. I am still facing issues, as of 9:30 am AZ Time

Not applicable

@AMAR DEVEGOWDA, @Anil Sagar, @Sandeep Murusupalli are there any updates to the DNS issue? I am not able to find the issue listed in the link that Anil had provided for the updates ( I am still not able access my api proxies.

@Ritwik Chatterjee,

As requested previously, can you please share your org name ? We will look into the issue and update you at the earliest.

@AMAR DEVEGOWDA @Anil Sagar My org name is ritwik-dell.

I had shared the information earlier as well, and made it visible to Apigeeks. Not sure if that was the right visibility. Now setting to "viewable by moderators"

@Ritwik Chatterjee,

Thanks for sharing the org name. I will look into this issue and get back to you.

Dear @Ritwik Chatterjee,

We recently migrated all the active Trial Orgs from legacy to CPS platform. Prior to this, we had sent communication about migration of trial orgs to all the org owners and requested them to get back to us if they want to continue to use their orgs. All the trial orgs which were either inactive or the trial orgs for which the owners did not get back to us within the specified timelines, are no longer accessible. I am afraid that your org “ritwik-dell” was considered inactive as it was not being used actively. Hence, you are not able to run any APIs in your org “ritwik-dell”. We would like to suggest you to register again for a new trial org account and continue to use that.

