Orgs and gateway deployment in multiple data centers


I have a question about org creation in multiple datacenter (active/active mode) and gateways topology

Suppose I have 2 datacenters (APIGee region) DC-1 and DC-2

How I have to identify pod gateway if I want to have 2 pods gateway in Each Datacenter "gateway-1-dc1", "gateway-2-dc-1", "gateway-1-dc-2", "gateway-2-dc-2" ?

What is the impact on org creation ? How I can associate my org ?

My goal is to associate an org with "gateway-1-dc1" and "gateway-1-dc2" OR "gateway-2-dc1" and "gateway-2-dc2" in order to deploy APIs asssociated to orgs in each DC



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Hi Maxime,

For my clarity you want to physically separate your pods, gateways and org's if I am following you correctly ?

IF my assumption of your ask is valid, the org is created with association with a given gateway, so in your example you would create org x on gateway-1-dc1 and its "paired" gateway in dc2. Same for be for creating org y on gateway-2-dc-1 and its "paired" gateway in dc2. If you follow the install and config guide and use the org creation script it will follow this pattern asking you where the org should be created.


You're right. We have full replication beetween the two DC. with :

- "gateway-1-dc1" paired to "gateway-1-dc2"

- "gateway-2-dc1" paired to "gateway-2-dc2"

This design is due to the fact that a pod is attached to one region (a DC) only

So if I want to create org-x on "gateway-1-dc1" and his "paired" in dc-2 "gateway-1-dc2", I have to associate org-x with this 2 pods

But it seems that the script allows to make the association with one pod only

Do we have to make the 2 associations with API calls ?



Can I ask what version of private cloud you are running ? Also, once you create the org you can run the


The version is But in I don't see pod association section


Hi Maxime, Did you get the solution to your requirement? if so, how did you implement?