Overridng Look and Feel For Smartdocs

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Is it possible to override smartdocs.css to tidy up the styling ? For example if I included my own version in my customised theme would that do the trick ? Or can I just override specific styles in my 'overrides.less' file ?

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@mark.ferguson ,

Absolutely, You can do that. It should be straight forward.

You can create a custom .css file inside your theme css folder & add it to your existing theme .info file.

Clear browser cache & drupal cache to see changes. You can override any css style related to smartdocs.

See video here that explains same.

Thanks very much for that.

On a related note I am having trouble formatting my operations nicely in SmartDocs when they have multiple tags. In the example below the "Get A Specific Article" operation has three tags. We want to use tags for API meta-data e.g. subject area and in particular which API models an operation is available in (to help with application sing up).

I've tried playing with various options in the Method Listing view but this is about as good as it gets. (Unformatted List grouped by Content: Tags).
