Please provide the sample code to integrate facebook with apigee using Oauth

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Dear @UshaSreeT , Can you please provide us more details ? Are you taking about APIs or Apigee Developer Portal integration with Facebook ?

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Hi @UshaSreeT if you are referring to Apigee's API BaaS you can find the Facebook Signin example here.

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Hi @UshaSreeT looks like you may be talking about the delegated authentication model using OAuth. Here is a sample write up by @dzuluaga, let us know if you have any further questions.

Hi Prithpal,

i have gone thought the Facebook signin page i am not getting the complete flow in that.

Can you please share me the complete demo on integrating the facebook with Apigee.

Hi Prithapal,

I havee thought the Facebook signin page i am not getting the complete flow in that.

Can you please share me the complete demo on integrating the facebook with Apigee.

Former Community Member
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Hi @UshaSreeT, can you elaborate what you mean by "complete flow"? Are you looking to incorporate this into an app?

HI Prithapal,

Yes i want to integrate this into app, for this i want to develop the API in apigee for getting Outhtoken usign facebook as user Store.

Hi Prithapal,

In Facebook Signin example ""

There is a link( for facebook example. i am not able to access that i am getting Message "Not Found".

Dear @UshaSreeT

User Grid repo has been moved to apache incubator repo in github. You can find the facebook example here.


Anil sagar