Proxy takes longer time to respond

We noticed some of our proxies taking longer time to respond. Upon tracing we found significant amount of time being spent on "Proxy Request Flow Started" component. I've attached screenshots.




Can someone shed some light as to why this happens? We are using on-cloud Apigee edge.

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Not sure.

If this is a "Free trial" organization, it could just be due to a noisy neighbor. I don't have any good suggestions for avoiding or solving that problem, aside from "upgrade to a paid organization".

If this is a paid organization, please contact Apigee Edge support for assistance is tracking down this latency issue.

Thank you, and yes we are on a paid org and our support team will be following up with Apigee edge support.

Hi @Abhiram M. Hemanna

We're facing similar issue, did you manage to find some solution for this?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Kuldeep Bhati, Our support team had raised an incident with the Apigee support team. I do not have the info on the resolution but we are not seeing this issue anymore.