Query on analytics maintenance tasks

I tried following the steps for pruning analytics data provided in below link:


How does the below command work?

/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-postgresql pg-data-purge Org Env 30

Will it delete analytics for the given org and env for the last 30 days? If yes,how am I able to still view the analytics report in Edge UI under the analytics tab? Did the purge happen correctly or does it take time to reflect?

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> Will it delete analytics for the given org and env for the last 30 days?

No. The documentation on this point is worded a little awkwardly, but it will delete analytics data for the given org and env that is *older than* 30 days.

Ok, so what in fact is deleted? because I am facing same issue and trying to delete some old analytics it says that some objects are purged , but some files are still remaining in place even older than specified purging period and they are using space which I thaught should be cleaned