Reading JSON, coming as content type text/plain, from target response in javascript

How to read JSON, coming as content type text/plain, from target response in javascript?

response.content and context.getVariable("response.content") returning blank, but I could see response in calling client.

I need to remove few elements from JSON payload.



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Not applicable

@Sanjay Kammili - Try parsing the target response into json with JSON.parse().

A few screenshots would help to understand the problem better.

@Anil Sagar @ Google @Siddharth Barahalikar @Dino-at-Google @Sai Saran VaidyanathanHi I am also facing same kind of issue will u please any one help me on this

if context.getVariable("response.content") is returning blank, then I guess you have your JS policy attached to the request flow, before the response is available.

@Dino-at-Google Thanks for reply, but in my case I am getting response payload as content type text/plain, instead of application/json from target response in java script

Sorry, I'm not clear what you mean. Maybe you need to ask a new question and post your specific details, including the specific code you are using. After all, this is an 18-month old thread.