Scheduling api

New Member

Hi all,

Do we have any approach to call api at regular intervals without using node.

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Hi Reshma,

You can do it using cron job in linux. Create a script file and place a curl command in that file. Configure a schedule to call api at regular intervals.

Thanks Muhammad.

But can you provide example how to do it

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I am using Centos 7 so command may vary depending upon Linux flavor.
Step 1: Create a new file with name in Linux using a command.
sudo touch
Step 2: Make file executable using following command
sudo chmod 775
Step 3: Open a newly created file with vi editor
sudo vi
Step 4: Place a curl command in newly created file and save it using :wq command. Sample curl command is attached for your reference.
curl -x GET -u sysAdminEmail:password http://localhost:8080/v1/servers

Step 4: Create Cronjob

sudo crontab -e

Step 5: Add scheduler time and executable file path. Note with below configuration it will run after every 5 seconds. However you can change scheduler time.

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/

Step 6: Save it with :wq command. It will create a new job which will execute after every 5 second and run executable file and we know that it contains curl command which will send call to API.


Can we implement that in apigee?

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Well, I might be one of the options if you don't want to use node. You can run this script on the server where apigee installed but it totally depends on the environment and nature of scripts. I am using this technique to take database backups or backend server for every minute just to verify whether it is up or not.

Is there any approach other than this.