Search for fieldname or string across all api in current environment


is there an apigee aproach to do an environment search for a keyword across all apis on a particular environment ? example: DEV

or the only alternative is to expand all the API in a git repo ? so i can use bitbucket search ?

Use Case.

1. client app developer request a change in a model field. for 1 api.

2. Im not sure what is the best way to search for "original field name"

3. since I wrote the apis, I know the 3 apis I need to change field name.

but what is the alternative for someone who doesnt know ?

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Hi Esteban,

The brute force approach would be to leverage Apigee's management APIs to download all the API bundles in the environment and then do a file system search for that keyword. I have an unofficial NodeJS tool which does this. Let me know if you are interested in trying that out.

Alternatively, your proposed git approach is fine. Storing your API proxies in a Git repo would be a good idea anyway, especially if you are thinking about doing automated CI/CD down the line.



i would love to take a look on that tool yo mentioned. i'm still in a place where i rely a lot on deployed code on the api management. (not yet in a place to have everything in git)