Showing Daily Traffic Totals in a Report

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Hi, I'm trying to create a custom report that is a slight variation of the out-of-the-box "Developer Engagement" report. Basically, I'd like for us to be able to view daily traffic totals for each proxy for a specific developer/developer app.

I see you can select a specific date to retrieve this info. However, if I wanted to select a custom date range (ex. for the past month), is there a way to see how much traffic the app received each day rather than the entire sum?


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Hi Kumiko,

Didn't the Traffic composition report - using Dimensions (instead of overview) and choose the developer app you would like to report on not help?


Almost there. I'd like it broken down by proxy for each developer app as well.

If you go to the OOB dashboards there you can select last month and then you can select aggregation interval.

In the custom report if you select the chart type as "line" as opposed to "column" then also you can view reports on each date .

The aggregate interval in the main dashboard appears to work correctly. I can view the total for each day.

I'd like to create a custom report that is similar to this where I can break it down by developer app. When I choose the aggregate interval as "daily" in a custom report, it doesn't behave the same way. It looks like the "daily" aggregate interval is showing hourly data instead. Maybe this is a bug on your end?