Specs Editor ref defect. No Apparent Workaround.

Not applicable


When creating an API specification, I have a validation error appearing. The error shows an invalid definition reference with the message "Could not resolve reference...". The string at the end appears to be what the type-ahead feature captured before it automatically completed the actual reference for me.

None of my efforts to overwrite it have worked - copy paste, retype, etc., are all ineffective.

Here are a few images. First the indicator after reloaded the spec. Here you can see what type-ahead took in and refuses to let me replace,


next is the error message,


but here is the actual definition reference,


You can see here by the error that the actual text doesn't get acknowleged. If I save and re-open the spec I'm back to the first image above.

Anyone experiencing this know of a workaround?

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Hi Kris,

I don't believe I've run into this issue before. Can you attach the swagger spec so I can try to reproduce this if possible?


I've seen this behavior before and recently, but I have not had time to thoroughly investigate or systematically repeat. Since I was pressed for time, I deleted the spec, edited externally (apistudio.io), created new and then adjusted the association.json.