Swagger Editor

Not applicable

Hi all, we have two question:

  • 1)we would like to create using the tools Swagger-core, Swagger-edit, and Node.js, new API Docs and publish them on Apigee Devportal. Now, we are able only to generate, create the YAML file and the mock source.
  • 2)We would like to understand how load the SWAGGER Doc file on Apigee DevPortal tool.

Follow the steps done to create a model from our swagger doc:

As you can see in the attached images these are the steps that we did:

1) (Attach 1_apigee_swagger.png) From Models page, "Add new model

2) (Attach 2_apigee_swagger.png) "Test Swagger 1” was created successfully.

3) (Attach 3_apigee_swagger.png) From Operation click “Import”, Format is Swagger, and Swagger URL point to our swagger doc.

4) (Attach 4_apigee_swagger.png) The swagger data has been imported into the model.

5) (Attach 5_apigee_swagger.png) Render and publish nodes (our API named updateStatus).

6) (Attach 6_apigee_swagger.png) Clicking on “Node Association” of updateStatus API we are redirect to the api details page.

7) (Attach 7_apigee_swagger.png) Into the api details page, if i click on “Edit” button a new page is displayed that allow to modify api informations.

😎 (Attach 8_apigee_swagger.png) Come back to Models page to show the row of my api.

The problems are:

a) Step number 6, you can see that there aren’t a Request/ Response description although these information are present into swagger doc.

b) Step number 7, the Method verb displayed is not the method of our api (PUT vs DELETE).

c) Step number 8, the Operation column relative to our api row remain on “API revisions” instead of “View Published Docs”.

d) We arare not able to download from UI DevPortal the Swagger Doc relative to our API

In attach you can find all *_apigee_swagger.png (under images.zip and images2.zip) image and the swagger doc (swagger-doc.json) that we used for test.

Thank you


0 3 1,673

@Cosimo, I'll try to address your questions:

a) the description given in the operation (request) was "" (null) and shouldn't be expected to be displayed. As for the response description, SmartDocs supports error descriptions but ignores 20X descriptions, since you get a response code (and usually data).

b) after importing the Swagger document you provided, I was unable to reproduce your issue. When I edited the operation (method) it showed the correct verb in the dropdown.

c) I was unable to reproduce your issue—my model listing did show "View Published Docs" as expected

d) I'm not sure what you're expecting here. Can you explain this further? If you're asking if you can download the Swagger document for a model. At this time, we consume Swagger documents but do not produce them.

Hi Marsh Gardiner thank you for your answer, please see following questions for each point:

a) Could you please modify the swaggerdoc and attach it so that i can see the difference and understand what is missing in mine?

b) What version of apigee and developer portal are u using?

c) What version of apigee and developer portal are u using?

d) Just need to download the swagger doc related to my API.

Thank you



Hi @Marsh Gardiner any suggestion?

