Timeout of Task submitted to ExecutionContext.submitTask() for JavaCallout policy


I currently have a javacallout policy in which I submit tasks (of type Runnable) to the ExecutionContext via the submitTask() method and I would like to be able to set a timeout on that task in case it takes way too long or there is a bug within the task code and the task never finishes. Is there an existing way to do it inside Apigee?


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Just catching up.

This sounds like the wrong thing to try to do.

Can you explain your real goal? There's probably a better way.

The JavaScript callout is not designed to support launching of asynchronous tasks that run indefinitely.

Hi Dino-at-Google, we are using a java callout, not a javascript callout. Does that change your answer?

Sorry! I had misread the question!

I think you would need to implement a timeout on your Runnable. There is no timeout on the submitTask().

For example:


I will be interested to hear how you progress. Will you post your findings and results here?