TypeError: Failed to fetch

when I tried to make a request with access token from spec, I am getting TypeError: Failed to fetch error. when I made the get request, I could see it is sent as OPTIONS method in trace tool.FYI. I added CORS headers @Anil Sagar @ Google @Dino @Sai Saran Vaidyanathan @Siddharth Barahalikar

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Hi, I'm sorry you're having trouble.

Unfortunately with the level of detail you've provided in this question, it will be difficult for anyone to provide any assistance.

It sounds like you're making a request and it is being rejected.


  • what tool are you using to make the request?
  • Where do you see the error?
  • can you provide a screenshot of same?
  • Have you tried making a similar request using a different tool? If you are using curl, then try postman. If you are using postman, try curl. Do you see the same results?
  • You mentioned a spec. How is the spec related at all to your question?
  • Can you post a screenshot of the Trace UI that clearly shows the options request?
  • Better yet can you save the trace session and enclose it here?

As someone with Apigee expertise, but no insight into your particular situation, your problem reads like "I am seeing something I don't expect, CORS OPTIONS TypeError. Please help." This isn't something that I can help with.

More detail please, and we'll try to help.