UI configured with https need redirect when user requests http

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We have configured https for the management UI, but operations guide does not cover having http redirect to https. Is this possible?

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@pfremmerb22 I am not sure this is supported out of the box in the current versions of the OPDK (private cloud), however it should be a simple configuration in httpd. You can set the redirect to https in your httpd.conf and restart httpd using /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Here's a useful link demonstrating how to make this change: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16200501/http-to-https-apache-redirection

Is this for the management UI or dev portal? I don't think the management UI uses apache, and I don't see the conf files in the directory.

I meant management UI. Can you do sudo service httpd status, you should see if httpd is running.

This is a really standard thing to do. If you're hosting the UI on a particular non-80 port, you might already be using apache httpd to expose a vhost for that. In which case, redirecting http to https should be easy to add!