Unable to hit the target by using access token wiht OAuth password grant type

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I was working on OAuth with password grant type. I have generated access token using curl command.


Then I tried to hit the target by using generated access token then I am getting error which is shown in the image


Can anyone worked on it. Please help me with this.

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HI @NAVAJEEVANA BATHULA - Both the token generation and the target endpoint looks the same. Can you confirm that the second target endpoint is another flow or has policy to Validate the Access token ? Would be better if you can add the proxy code at lease the Proxy endpoint code to better understanding and quicker resoluotion

Hi @Sai Saran Vaidyanathan

I have used verify access token policy for this. target endpoints are same as working for the target and the url I have used is the proxy I have created for the target endpoint. below is the code for verify access token.


HI @NAVAJEEVANA BATHULA - not sure I understand. Can you paste your proxy endpoint code that has these policies called out as Steps. I want to know how you are differentiating the different flows with Conditions.

thanks for your help @Sai Saran Vaidyanathan I got response what I am looking for.

Glad ! I am closing this post in that case.

Please reach out if you have any questions.