Unable to route the message to a Target Endpoint

Not applicable

I am receiving this error. I am using 2 way tls but can't figure out why this part is occurring.

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I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. We're going to need lots more detail if we have any hope of helping you.

  • Where and how are you receiving this error?
  • Which error specifically? Include the specific messages you see. Cut/paste from your screen, your editor, or your API client tool.
  • what are you doing, or what is your app doing, when the error occurs? Be as specific as possible.
  • Please include the relevant configuration of your API Proxy. Do not describe it. Cut/paste it. It helps us answer if you can paste it into a code block, so it's easier to read.
  • Have you tried without 2-way TLS ? And what was your result?
  • What other things have you tried, in order to resolve or diagnose the problem? Have you eliminated pieces of your system, simplified the scenario? What have you discovered?

We can better help you, if you provide more information.