Using Service call out policy If the backend server is down show the response that is coming from the backend in the console.

Not applicable


I used Service Callout policy to call the service. whenever the server is down of that particular

service Then I have to show the response that is coming from the backend in the console.

Could any one please help me?

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Welcome to the community !!!

Not sure I understand the issue. Can you detail a bit more ?

What I understood is - you are making a Service callout and if that system is down, you want to send the request to another target system ? Is that correct ? Not sure what you mean by "show the response that is coming from the backend in the console"

You could return a previously cached version of the response if the risk of stale data isn't high for your use case?

@NAVAJEEVANA BATHULA, As per my understanding you want to display the back end error message as-is on the front end. Follow the below mentioned steps to achieve it.

1. Define FaultRule for "ExecutionFailed" fault to capture the back end error response.

<FaultRule name="ExecutionFailed">
            <Condition>( == "ExecutionFailed") or ( == "servicecallout.ExecutionFailed")</Condition>

2. Define an AssignMessage policy to set the "ServiceCallout.response" as payload with appropriate contentType.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AssignMessage name="AM-Set-Execution-Failed-Error" enabled="true" continueOnError="false" async="false">
        <Payload contentType="application/json">{ServiceCallout.response}</Payload>
    <AssignTo type="request" transport="http" createNew="false"/>

Thanks for your response Mahammad Feroz. when the server is up I am getting response for ServiceCallout.response but if the server is down ServiceCallout.response is showing null. it is not returning any value. Is there anyting we could with this.


, use "error.content" instead of "ServiceCallout.response" in the AssignMessage (AM-Set-Execution-Failed-Error) policy.