What is the high level difference between Apigee and AWS API gateway ?

Amazon API Gateway Apigee
Description Create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale Intelligent and complete API platform
Pros about this tool Pros

AWS Integration


Highly scalable and secure API Management Platform

Good documentation

Fast and adjustable caching

Quick jumpstart

Easy to use

For monitoring need to use aws cloudwatch

And have less functionality

Apigee provide all monitoring and custom reports
Need to configure each action method

Separately for each endpoint

One proxy gives you multiple api endpoints with all methods
Has less functionality Provide full life cycle of api development
Need to configure each query parameter or

Path parameter

No need to configure anything

I have find this difference but other than this , I mean on cost level which is cheaper and which functionality is not supported by aws or apigee?

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Apigee can do AWS integration too, via API 🙂 You should also compare the Developer Portals