Which Properties are required to control network timeouts in HTTPTargetConneclion

Which Properties are required to control network timeouts in HTTPTargetConneclion ?

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https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/reference/endpoint-properties-reference tells us that you do not need to define properties as long as defaults are acceptable:


Default - 3000

Target connection timeout. Edge returns an HTTP 503 status code if a connection timeout occurs.


Default - 55000

If there is no data to read for the specified number of milliseconds, or if the socket is not ready to write data for specified number of milliseconds, then the transaction is treated as a timeout.

  • If a timeout happens while writing the HTTP request, 408, Request Timeout is returned.
  • If a timeout happens while reading the HTTP response, 504, Gateway Timeout is returned.

This value should always be smaller than the value of the virtual host's proxy_read_timeout property.

For Private Cloud customers, this value should be less than the timeout used by the Router for communicating with the Message Processor. See Configuring the Router timeout for more.

See Setting io.timeout.millis and api.timeout for Edge Cloud for more.

I would recommend using both as appropriate for the target server and typical client expectations.

If you are going to have calls lasting greater than 55 seconds, then you will need additional changes as detailed here -
