apigeetool with Private Cloud

Not applicable

I am trying to run apigeetool to deploy a node app on a private cloud instance, but I always get an invalid URI error for the provided basepath.

I am noticing that there is an append of /v1/o/{ORG_NAME}/apis/{PROXY_NAME}

This is not the relative path on our private cloud set up.

How can I modify this default to work with private cloud?


1 5 420

Hi @jhsieh

This is how I deploy a node app into my private cloud environment:

apigeetool deploynodeapp -L "" -n httpsrequest -d $PWD -m httpsrequest.js -o org -e dev -b /httpsrequest -u admin@apigee.com -p password -v default


-L is my Management API URL;

-n is a name of the proxy to be deployed;

-m is a main js module file name;

-o organization to deploy into;

-e environment;

-u and -p are an username and password for a user capable to deploy a proxy;

-v a list of virtual hosts, in case you do not want to deploy to all of them by default.

You can get all parameters by executing apigeetool -h and additional info at this page http://docs.apigee.com/api-services/content/deploying-standalone-nodejs-app

Hi @ylesyuk1,

I get the following error when I try to run the tool:

Error: Error uploading resource groupcheck.js: 500 { "code" : "messaging.config.beans.RepositoryError", "message" : "Repository error", "contexts" : [ ], "cause" : { "code" : "scripts.node.CompilationFailure", "message" : "Compilation error: groupcheck.js:15 syntax error", "contexts" : [ ] } }

Is there some way I need to format the the node file to get the tool to properly parse the script?



you might have to add -R (resolve-modules) flag for your reference modules

Hi @jhsieh

The error is self-explanatory. You have a syntax error on line 15 of your groupcheck.js script.

"Compilation error: groupcheck.js:15 syntax error"

The javascript code is pre-compiled during deployment phase. You need to fix the error first, then it will upload and deploy successfully.

Not applicable

Another Query, on the same lines, can i upload an app instead of just a node app in 1 single file?
