cerfificate for *.apigee.net signed using sha256


Apple have made some changes in iOS9 requiring sites that apps connect to to support TLS1.2 and have certificate signed using SHA256 or greater - https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios...

I have noticed that the certificate for *.apigee.net is only signed using SHA1 - which means that our apps need to add exceptions when connecting to our APIs on Apigee.

Are there any plans to replace the certificate for *.apigee.net with one signed using SHA256 so we dont need to add exceptions?


2 1 169

Not applicable

@anthony.brown we had similar issue where all our APIs were failing Sec Pen tests because of weak ciphers. Newer certificates are available in Apigee but they might not be configured for your organisations's ELB.

You can raise support call with Apigee and they should be able to update certificate for you.

