creating https virtual host in gcp apigee

Not applicable

I had installed apigee on google cloud platform using apigee gcp ansible script with load balancer

VirtualHost name="default"> <BaseUrl>http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080</BaseUrl> <HostAliases> <HostAlias>xx.xx.xx.xx</HostAlias> </HostAliases> <Interfaces/> <ListenOptions/> <Port>9002</Port> <Properties/></VirtualHost>

is the default virtual host always point to load balancer

do i need to enable port 9002 to access API from load balancer

https virtual host will need to be pointed to loadbalancer or router ip

0 1 200

Virtual Host name, alias and port can be anything you choose.

Port 80, 443 and other lower ports are privilege ports in Linux. You need root to start services using those ports. To avoid running the router as root, we recommend you use higher port numbers on your virtual hosts.

You can expose 80 or 443 on your load balancer and keep 9001, 9002, etc, as ports for the virtual hosts.

Also, if you require access to APIs on port 80, you can use iptables to add a DNAT rule that forwards from port 80 to your unprivileged virtual host port (usually 9001+).