customize logo.png on light portal...not published?


Using the Edge light portal, i want to change the logo, which by default is the 'YOUR LOGO' image. I went to Assets, deleted logo.png and mobile-logo.png, and then uploaded 2 images with the same names, same size (140x40 ).

When I refresh the live portal page, i don't see the changes.

I went to Themes in the drop down, it shows the Home page and there is some text on top that states: 'You are previewing unpublished changes to this page'.

This make me think that i need to re-publish the Home page i see the changes...but how???

Clicking the Publish button on the Themes page did not show any changes.

Thanks, Sam

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It's probably a browser cache issue.

I run Chrome on MacOS, and I See the same behavior as you reported: the "your logo" image remains even after I uploaded a new image. But if I use Command + Shift + R , to force refresh in the Chrome tab, I see the updated logo image.

So: try the same in your browser. Depending on your Browser and OS platform, the magic key combination to do that "force refresh" will be different.

Or you could just try from a different browser or machine. No need to refresh if you use a totally fresh machine.

But as you develop further (change themes, change page content, etc), you will want to figure out how to refresh the browser cache.

Ctrl + Shift + r (Windows) refreshed Chrome and yes now I do see the change. Thanks!


I've updated the documentation accordingly to indicate that you may need to force refresh your browser if you are not seeing the updated image to bypass the cache.

About the default images

Thanks to you both for the help in improving the docs!
