edge setup in cold standby for on prem

Hi all,

I like to see how folks (apigee and customers) are setting up a cold standby for redundancy. I have a hot/hot right now in two dc as the cassandra/zookeeper need to communicate consistently and also for the postgres master/slave setup. In the cold standby, how does it work? as the software should not be running until it is needed, how do you handle the cassandra/zookeeper/postgres sync/replication?

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Hi @leo

Apigee is designed to be a highly distributed Active-Active software which can be deployed across multiple data centers and geographies. Many customers deploy it across multi datacenter in an Active-Passive fashion. But Cold backups are not very common.

You might want to keep backup of different data elements stored, like analytics data or cassandra data.

I would be curious, why do you think you need cold standby? Especially when you have the software deployed as two datacenter Active-Active.

If you have to do it: I would think one way to do it is keep C*/ZK/PG running in Cold-DC and not have mgmt server or UI or dev portal or R-MP running. Now if and when you need to start the cold backup just start the mgmt server and R+MP servers and thus Edge will start functioning.

This should work theoretically. I don't think this is widely tested though.

Thanks @sarthak.

The cold standby has to do with licensing.

It is definitely good to know what can/may work and what is the norm.