facing issue with asm while setup hybrid 1.6

hi folks

I hope you are doing great!!

I just trying to set up an apigee hybrid 1.6 but after creating cluster and I installed cert-manager pods that are working fine but when I try to install asm as a document suggest first creating overlay.yaml file then running asm installation script I did the same thing...

but while running asm script after I got the error as

image (2).png

can anybody please let me know what is missing why I am facing this issue 


@dandino  @strebel @kyfu @Former Community Member @optimism 



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Former Community Member
Not applicable

It is hard to tell from that screenshot why ASM failed. Try running the same script with "--verbose". Also check the istiod pod logs. It is possible the install succeeded. 

thanks, @Former Community Member 

I found the root cause why it is failing 


but why is this showing error I haven't made any extra configuration just follow the docs and create the regional cluster with 9 nodes using GUI (while creating cluster all the setting is default set)

or can you please tell me how to assign pods to Nodes in Kubernetes Using node selector and Affinity Features

if any help that would be great...