I am trying the mentioned REST API after I successfully acquired the OAuth2 access_token from ( But when I pass the access_token to Url I am getting the following exception always,

{ "message": "Missing or bad authorization header", "error": "Apigee.SSO.AuthorizationError" }

I have already passed the Bearer token in my Authorization header. I have no idea what is I am missing here. Any clue or help?

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I am facing the same issue. token is valid, as I used it to call other apis successfully. I read somewhere that this api does not support SSO yet. but cannot verify.

That could be, Scott. Thanks for the validation. I'll check internally and see if the Monitoring APIs work in SSO/SAML orgs.

For SAML/SSL organizations, be sure you're getting the token from the correct endpoint (, descriped here:

Hi. Did you find a solution to this problem? I am facing the same exact issue with that apimonitoring end-point.