shared flow

Not applicable

Hi all,

I did a scenario on this shared flow.

Created a shared flow which is deployed in test environment and using this shared flow in my proxy which is deployed in prod environment.

while tracing what i observed is the url is getting hitted 5-6times with a difference of 4-5ms and an error is populated in a dialoque box above stating "you are hitting the wrong url".

how should i populate the error stating that your shared flow is deployed in test environment and ur proxy is deployed in prod environment,Hence policy fails


"Different environment deployement"

can anyone help me with this scenario?

0 3 755

Not applicable

@shubham singh

I tried to replicate your use-case. But it seems i got a different error from the flow.

{"fault":{"detail":{"errorcode":"flow.SharedFlowNotFound"},"faultstring":"Shared Flow Shared-Flow Not Found"}}

Can you please check the proxy once.

@Umanng Goel

I checked it but i am getting a different error

  "fault": {
    "faultstring": "Gateway Timeout",
    "detail": {
      "errorcode": "messaging.adaptors.http.flow.GatewayTimeout"

@shubham singh

It look like apigee is not able to connect to backend server.

Could you please check you backend url.

It doesn't look like sharedFlow error