Full size Add button not appearing on Form view

New Member

First timer here,
Iโ€™m trying to basically re-create the sample Order Capture App. When I hit the โ€œPlus Signโ€ to create a new order, Iโ€™m missing the โ€œAddโ€ button to the order line items. See screenshot.

The strange thing is, when I get out of the order form UX and into the Order Detail UX, the order line items are there. So my reference appears to be working, but when the order line items are blank (which they would be everytime you create a new order), the related records field is missing.
Any help is appreciated.

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Thank you very much. I searched the forum high and low, I knew it was something simple. Thanks for fast response.

how can i get acess to the response?

Hi @Aaron_John

The column of type Ref in your form ==> black pen ==> tick โ€œis a part ofโ€

" Full size Add button not appearing on Form view" is the problem Iโ€™m facingโ€ฆ
nothing to do with referencing

Except that it has everything to do with referencing.


but i checked that as wellโ€ฆ โ€œis a part ofโ€ is already tickedโ€ฆ
should I try unticking it??

Nope. Leave it ticked

Are you getting confused about โ€œADDโ€ wording ?
Normally this is it:

Donโ€™t you have that ?
If not, can you please share a screenshot of what you get instead, and the table structure related to your view ?

sorry @Marc_Dillon and @Aurelien ,
it was my fault,
the view was based on a slice, and I had forgotten to add โ€œaddโ€ in the โ€œSlice Actionsโ€โ€ฆ
thanks a ton for your time and effort.

sorry, were you able to solve it?? could you tehelp me with it??

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert


As @Marc_Dillon explained, I would add a screenshot:

Did you give it a try ?

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